Sunday, June 2, 2013


     My kindle paperwhite arrived on Friday and so many of you were right, it's wonderful.  It's so small it fits nicely into my purple handbag.  I ordered the purple cover for it and it's a perfect match!!!  
      It's working.  I'm able to sit still now and give my feet, ankles and legs a chance to heal.  I'm still riding the lawn mower to and from the mailbox and outbuildings when I need to get outside.  But, I can't actually mow yet as the vibrations after five minutes set the nerves on fire.  
      Now I have to wonder if this kindle is going to change my life.  Will I no longer jump up at 4 am and go to work in my office and then a quick breakfast and then out to the kennel followed by a quick lunch and then yard work?
      Will I succumb to the life of a couch potato and learn to like it?  I'm on my third book, does that mean I'm growing increasingly more addicted as each day passes?  Will my girlish figure disappear and I'll never leave my reading chair?  Will I talk my husband into moving the small guest room fridge next to my chair?  The small microwave from my writing studio should fit nicely on top.  
       They say when a person is addicted they look for others with like addictions to share so as not to feel guilty.  So I guess that's true.  Starting tomorrow for one week I will be sharing my 12 titles with you on kindle for .99.  After that they return to their original prices.  
       The titles include my Elusive Clue Mystery Series with my sleuth Detective Karst.  My standalone suspense/thriller CORNSTALKED and my two kids adventure books.  Remember the sale will only last for one week, so stock up if you're missing anything from the collection or if you just want to jump in on the sale.  
        A BREATH OF HOT AIR, the short story that Alex Kava and I co-wrote, is not included in the sale.  
         Remember you'd be making the purchase of your own free will.  I don't want to be held responsible for any addictive behavior with a new collection of books to read.  And, I can feel comfortable that I'm not alone escaping from the real world during the day into the world of fiction.  (I must confess I was up at 2am reading in bed and my hubby didn't even know it.)

My adult books are under Patricia Bremmer, my kids books are P.A. Bremmer 



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